It wasn't really a surprise, Obama winning the election. I'm curious to see if things change as promised...I've already heard him say something about 'maybe next term'...
I also wonder how long this honeymoon period (when everyone in the media wants to be his best friend) will last?
But life goes change for me is I'm playing my drums again...two days in a row for about five minutes each. Yesterday it was to Boston's "Don't Look Back" and today to "Sandy" by Bruce Springsteen. That's more than I've played in a good six months.
(I use the term "played" very loosely - mostly it's just a lot of noise. If someone listened from outside, they'd think "construction project", not "rhythmic music." That's why I can only play when I'm alone. But it's a GREAT stress-reliever!)
Another change for me...with any collection, there comes a time for culling, and that 's what I've done with my job collection. I'm down to just two - I had to let my subbing jobs go, at least for now. It's one of those weird things...I'd go months without working at either one, but now that I have an almost fulltime job, I'm getting called all the time.
Ah, Brucie's singing "Rosalita" right now...I know what I'll be playing to tomorrow...