No, I didn't vote for Obama. But that doesn't mean I can't be caught up in the wave of optimism that seems to be swallowing our country today. I don't believe a President by himself, no matter who he or she is, can do ANYTHING alone, meaning he/she shouldn't get all the blame or credit for anything, but I do believe Americans working together can accomplish a great deal, even if they disagree on some issues, and although I don't agree with all of his political views (which means I do agree with some), it's obvious Obama has a gift for inspiring people to get involved, to care, to have hope, and to draw together in a way I haven't seen since 9/11.
I do worry that people expect him to do everything that THEY want, and to do it all by himself - that's a pretty weighty load to carry. We'll just have to wait and see what the next few months and years bring.
But for today, at least, I'll try to tuck my cynicism in a drawer and drape myself in patriotism - it really is a great system. Maybe people will believe in it again. I know I do.