It rained this afternoon! Not just a wimpy sprinkling, mind you, but a vigorous, committed downpour preceded by wind, thunder and everything! We could hear it in the music to our ears.
It didn't last long, but it stretched to other parched areas. My friend Nancy called from her place southeast of San Antonio so I could hear the rain coming down on them, too. She said it's so dry there, it's starting to look like a desert. Not good, considering that's farm and ranch land - people depend on the land - and therefore the rain- for their livelihood.
It wasn't enough rain to end the drought, of course. Even if it set in raining like this every day, it would be months before we caught up. But we're all grateful even for this little bit.
On my walk this morning I noticed that Mother Nature is still flashing some bling, despite the drought...
She's having to get creative. What in the world are these?...
I didn't forget to look up...