It's a busy, busy night that followed a busy, busy day - I'm finally winning in my battle with procrastination - and I didn't plan on posting anything tonight, but I came across an article by Meredith Maran in the October 2008 edition of More magazine (yes, I'm a little behind on my reading) that was just too good not to share.
At first, I thought I would preface this post with a warning to men, but on second thought, I think they might be interested, too - if they have anything to do with middle-aged women, that is. But I'm mainly posting it for women my age who now know what "perimenopausal" means...those of you who are suffering through hot flashes, etc. and perhaps thinking it's only going to get worse when Queen Menopause herself arrives.
Well, according to the article ("The Reward for Perimenopause? Menopause!") - you're wrong! It gets better! In fact, the last sentence is..."Contrary to popular opinion, menopause is a gift to women."
I hear you laughing! You're probably rolling your eyes, too...Yes, it seems a tad overly optimistic, but just read the article and see for yourself... (click here.)