That's what I told Tom this morning..."Happy Day-Before-Valentine's Day!"
And this is what he said: "Every day is Valentine's Day with you."
Sigh. How did I get so lucky?
Believe me, I know for a fact there have been days when the last thing he would have called me was "Valentine"...but those days are easy to forget when he says things like this.
It won't be a weekend of candlelight and romantic dinners for us, though. You've heard that old saying (and I'm cleaning it up, of course)..."Poop runs downhill"? Well, we're looking at a big pile of poop...specifically, all of those things we haven't had time to do the rest of the week have rolled on down and landed at our feet and we just can't ignore them any longer. Our big romantic adventure will be a trip to Home Depot later today to pick out paint for the laundry room. But to be honest, we always have fun in Home Depot, so I'm looking forward to it! I think we might even go to the grocery store, too!
What Valentine adventures await you this weekend?