I'm kind of an award-aholic, as anyone who knew me in high school will tell you. Unfortunately, I don't think I've won any awards since "Miss Deer Park High School 1977"...until this week, that is! Now I'm the proud recipient of the Kreativ Blogger Award, thanks to Jill at Elemental, my dear. Thank you, Jill!
I really do feel honored - there are some very, very creative blogs out there (including Jill's...you need to check it out!)
As part of this award, I'm supposed to reveal seven not-so-well-known things about Me...a bit of a challenge because I think I've already told way more about myself than anyone really wants to know!
But with the help of my man Tom, I've managed to come up with seven that I might not have shouted out to the world yet. Although I probably have. Here goes, anyway (drum roll, please)...
- Even though I'm technically right-handed, I deal cards left-handed.
- I've been to London, Paris, Rome, Venice, Florence, Innsbruck, Saltzburg and Madrid...but not Los Angeles or New York City.
- I've never broken a bone...never experienced wearing a cast covered in colorful signatures and smartass comments.
- I have an ancestor who fought in the Battle of Hastings in 1066 (this one sentence reveals I'm a genealogy nut and a history nerd.)
- I have a license to drive a forklift (long expired, of course.)
- I have eaten on a tugboat.
- I love full moons and the smell of campfire smoke.
And now here's a bonus trivial fact about me...I have college credit in Fire Fighting! Here I am way back in March 1979 at the Lamar University Fire Training School in Beaumont (I know...we all look alike. I'm the one on the nozzle.)
Now I'm going to pass the award along to four creative blogger friends who I enjoy reading regularly...their blogs never fail to inspire me, challenge me, make me think or make me laugh...
Tag, you're all it! Spread the love!