Right outside of my window this morning, like they staged it just for me: Max and Belle playing together. They had (what was left of) the Green Squeaky Fish. Belle would roll on her back with the fish in her mouth, Max would play-nip at her, then grab a piece of the toy and pull. He'd eventually win it, but then (joy to this mother's heart!) set it down for her to pick up, and the game would begin again.
I was so relieved to see them playing! Yesterday Tom and I spent the entire day outside ...hoeing, cleaning, working on projects ... but except for the two walks we took, Max spent the day in his doghouse. Belle stayed near us, bored most of the time because we wouldn't let her play with the trash bags or empty engine oil containers or power cords. Poor puppy.
Speaking of working on projects, I think I've discovered the perfect Whole-Body workout! Hoeing! I finally started my big Landscaping Project yesterday, which meant a few hours of hoeing, raking and more hoeing, and this morning every muscle in my body is sore, including my hands!
Of course, I followed all of that hoeing with moving rocks, which meant lots of bending, squatting and lifting. And I spent Friday afternoon trudging up and down our little hill, dragging trimmed juniper branches down to the burn pile below our house. (Belle thought that was great fun! She helped by biting the ends of the branches, even clambering around inside at times.) So perhaps it was a combination of all of these that has me aching. All I know is, my usual workouts are obviously not challenging enough!
What a great feeling, making progress on these projects that have been gnawing at me for so long. None of them are completed - I didn't get to scratch anything off of a list - but at least we got started. Tom called me a Slave-driver, and I'm pretty proud of that, considering he's a bit of a workaholic.
Today we're off to a slower start - we went to early Mass and now I'm catching up here on the computer while he's sprawled on the couch behind me reading the newspaper. We're both moaning and groaning with every movement we make (you should have seen us kneeling and trying to genuflect at church - we looked about forty years older than we are!) but we still plan to get back to work right after lunch.
I can feel it now, and I'm not just talking about sore muscles - we've gotten so close! We can't lose the momentum ... gotta keep going and finish!
Where's my whip?