These arrived on our doorstep a few days ago...
I have no idea who sent them. Tom says it wasn't him ... he thought I ordered them for myself.
I swear when I said "will someone send me some blue drumsticks?" I never expected anyone to actually do it! From now on, I know to be careful what I say on here!
But to you, my Mystery Friend, right now I say thank you very much! They are beautiful, as you can see - a rich, royal blue - and when I'm banging away with them, I'll remember you!
...whoever you are...
(I hope you come out from hiding so I can thank you personally.)
I had another sweet surprise this week - Hilary of The Smitten Image recognized Winter's Breath on my Confessions blog as a "Post of the Week". Each Wednesday she highlights several blog posts in different categories on her blog, and I am truly honored that she chose one of mine!
I urge you to click on the badge below to see all of her choices from this past Wednesday - better yet, once there, click on the links you find there for some wonderful reading.
And speaking of Wednesdays (sort of), all week I've been pondering this quote...
It's Jillsy's latest prompt for Prompt Me Wednesday. (Fortunately, we have a week to ponder and post.)
This quote has been in the back of my mind as events of the week unfolded, trying to figure out what it means to me.
I've pondered the drumsticks, the Post of the Week award, and especially my friend Carl's passing in relation to these words, and this is what came from all my pondering...
Like birds, humans have nests, cozy homes for our families. Like spiders, humans toil to gather food and produce beautiful works of art. But unlike birds and spiders, humans have a larger network beyond the nest and web - a support system for those times when our loved ones leave us alone in our nest, or when we're no longer able to gather food for ourselves or our passion for our art has been lost.
The bird a nest, the spider a web...
Man friendship.
Our shelter, our safety net, our inspiration.
What does the quote mean to you?
Share in a comment or link up your own blog post below (you have till Tuesday!) Next week's prompt is "A Treasured Gift".