I left my parents' house before lunchtime, fortified by a bacon and eggs breakfast a la Daddy.
(That seems odd to say "my parents" house, when it's my childhood home, the house where I can't turn around without bumping into half a dozen memories...)
It was tough to leave - I worry about my sister Brenda, recuperating from hip surgery, trying to do too much too soon on her own. I worry about my aging parents, who would do anything for their kids, including sacrificing sleep. Or a back. Or breathing.
But I have my job, deadlines, projects, bills, dogs, kids, a husband. I stayed as long as I could, but I needed to get home.
"You're the best sister ever!"
"No, you're the best sister ever!"
"Girls, don't argue!"
Brenda is gaining strength by the minute - she has always been bullheaded and determined - and I can't imagine anyone who has a titanium rod in their hip, who has moved back into their parents' home for an extended period of time, who is having to rely upon others for help with basic needs, who doesn't have insurance and who has Parkinson's disease on top of everything else... what was I saying?
Oh yeah, I can't imagine anyone else in that situation having a sweeter disposition than she does. We didn't nickname her Pollyanna for nothing.
It's a humbling experience for me, a perpetual whiner, let me tell you.
I'm grateful I had a chance to repay her at least a little for all of the sweet things she has done for me all of my life.
Brenda, will you take me to the swimming pool? To the beach? To Astroworld?
Brenda, I'm sorry for calling you so late, but I'm in the last chapter of The Amityville Horror and I'm scared. Can I spend the night with you and finish it there?
Brenda, I'm sorry for calling you at 2am, but I was cleaning my oven and cut my finger and I think I need to go to the emergency room! Will you drive the 20 miles between us and take me?
(She confessed during one of her middle-of-the-night calls to me for assistance this weekend that she's glad she was so nice to me! Heads up to all you siblings out there!)
I'm also grateful I could relieve my parents for once, after all they've done for me and my siblings. They've dealt with encephalitis, whooping cough, measles, mumps, chicken pox, dislocated hips and body casts, broken arms, broken legs, dislocated shoulders, asthma emergencies, oxygen tents, gun shot wounds, quadriplegia, knee surgeries, grandchild-care ... I'm sure I've left something out, but you get the picture...
Now I've jumped back into my own life - I had to stop by the grocery store even before coming home. I knew we were out of everything! Tomorrow it's back to my job, back to writing projects and deadlines for part-time jobs. I have bills to pay, phone calls to make to straighten out insurance kinks of our own (giving thanks for having insurance at all!) and piles of laundry to conquer. That's as far as I've gotten on my to-do lists. That will be enough for tomorrow.
But I've taken time to catch up with Tom on his weekend adventures (they include replacing a starter on his truck and breaking a $400 part on his backhoe while trying to help a neighbor, poor guy!), give my puppies some hugs and kisses, and take a lot of pictures of peacocks! More on that one later.
I also took advantage of a long drive home to stop and, well, I didn't see any roses to smell, but I did see quite a few bluebonnets and other wildflowers to capture in my camera ... (Hope you had a wonderful weekend!)
(click on the image to make it larger)