My bougainvilla is blooming.
It might not seem like a big deal, but in this dry hollow where the wildflowers are fading, I longed for a blast of color.
I thought it was too late, thought I'd been too neglectful. The original blossoms were long gone; it wasn't dead, but it was down to mere green foliage. But I thought, what the heck? I can at least try!
So I moved it to a sunnier spot, remembered to water it every day.... and hoped.
Look what happened...
And now for this week's Sweet! moments...
Saturday: Witnessing the fireworks and excitement of a UT commencement - from an air-conditioned birds' eye view.
Sunday: Breakfast with friends...lunch with family. Out-of-town guests making it back home safely.
Monday: Still having your mom just a phone call away when you really, really need to talk.
Tuesday: A walk at dusk, the trees silhouetted against a salmon-pink sky, the wind whispering in my ear.
Wednesday: Marshmallow clouds full of silent lightning. Good customer service.
Thursday: Drinking coffee and yakking with your son at his kitchen table. A quiet place and a big chunk of time, just for writing.
Friday: Movie Night! Plus Friday is just Sweet! all by itself!
What were your Sweet! moments this week?
Hope you're having a Sweet! Saturday!
I'm off to enjoy the sun instead of complaining there's not any rain.