Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.
~ Khalil Gibran
I rose early to see a loved one off on a tough adventure, with a prayer that their perseverance pays off... either that or that they learn to be flexible if things don't work out the way they want.
I've learned one of the keys to happiness is flexibility - no road stays straight and you have to learn to handle the curves. But wouldn't life be boring otherwise?
While the morning was still soft, I walked with the dogs to a small pond nestled in the hills. I wouldn't want to swim in its murky, brown-gold water, but for them, it's an oasis in this dry hollow. Tom told me our pond only has about 10 gallons of water left in it. Last time I wandered that way, I startled the the blue heron. I wonder if he's still hanging around? I doubt it.
We still have wildlife around though. Every day Max and Belle team up for a Bunny Chase. Thank goodness they never actually catch them. Yet, anyway.
This hillside pond is down by a third of its normal size, but it's still deep enough that a turtle dove out of sight before I could snap a good photo of it. I took a few shots of the dogs, but they mostly just wade in up to their chins and then just stand there, happy for the cool water seeping into their coats.
Not as exciting or rare as a turtle shot. See what I mean?
Until Belle gets out and wallows in the dirt.
I guess that's not so much exciting as just plain goofy. I've never seen a dog who loved dirt like she does. I swear she's part pig.
She just makes me laugh.
This past week was the tortoise and the hare for me, sprinting past but also seeming to take forever, full of emotional ups and down, highs and lows, questions, celebrations, tears, hugs and laughter.
It reminded me to take life one day at a time - one minute at a time if necessary, and to celebrate each and every one.
To be grateful. To stay flexible. To love and love and love.
I believe in love and its power to work miracles, don't you?
Now we've rolled around to another weekend. It's not going to be the one we planned but it's beginning to look like a good one, anyway. Daniel's home, and we'll spend time with friends and perhaps even get out on the lake before it completely dries up.
Oh, before I forget, here's my favorite photo of the week. On a walk last weekend, I spotted something yellow just off the road. I moved closer and discovered this...
...a small colony of tiny cactus, barely visible among the rocks, boasting gorgeous blooms that towered above the spiny bumps. Most of the other flowers have all faded away because of the drought, but here was this beautiful, wild splash of yellow.
In all the years we've lived here, I've never seen these. I guess it's possible they've popped up and I just didn't see them, but they are so bold I believe I couldn't have missed them. The cacti are small and easy to ignore, just blending in with the rocks.
It's amazing to me that they bloomed so brilliantly in conditions that challenged the other flowers. In fact, it seems things have to get pretty rough before we're blessed with the best this tiny, easily overlooked plant has to offer.
It's like that in our own lives - it's often during the worst of times or the biggest challenges that we discover hidden blooms, strengths or talents that have been dormant inside of us.
These little cacti remind me to be grateful for the rough times that force me to surprise myself with new blossoms... and that life itself is full of (wonderful) surprises!