I dropped off my camera last Thursday for some much needed TLC. It was way overdue. Just imagine... four years of trips to the beach and walks down my dusty road.
Oh, poor, neglected thing.
When I finally had it back in my hands, I expected it to work like it was brand new. Instead, the autofocus wouldn't work. I could slip it into manual, but obviously something was wrong.
After a phone call to the shop and a glance at my camera manual, it turned out I just needed to hit 'reset'.
Works like a charm, now as you can see.
I wish I had a "reset" button somewhere on me. My autofocus is shot and my manual focus isn't even working too great either. All I see is a blur as I dash from one thing to another, with a nagging feeling that I'm not making progress anywhere, merely running in circles.
Beth, a friend of mine, posted a photography tip recently: "be careful what you focus on".
Her advice keeps running through my head. Maybe that's what's wrong - I'm not being careful with my focus. In trying to focus on everything within view, it all turns out a blurry mess.
So that's my goal for next week - pushing 'reset' and finding my focus...
Keeping track of the Sweet! moments in my life helps a little... but I've even had a tougher time focusing on these this week...
Sunday: photos and videos proving your boys on vacation in Germany are still alive and well and having fun;
Monday: being reunited with your camera; black and brown puppies, in sizes Small, Medium and Xtra-large, all playing together sweetly
Tuesday: wishing your parents a happy 62nd wedding anniversary; your sister healed enough from her hip surgery to drive; hearing how your puppy defended her 'niece' from a potential neighborhood bully
Wednesday: morning Mass; black butterflies; your "broken" camera miraculously working with just the push of a reset button; being forced to learn more about your camera
Thursday: a clean(er) house; a message that your kids made it to Prague safe and sound
Friday: two calls from your daughter in one day; an update from your globetrotting boys; a surprise chat with your brother-in-law; scanning photos, turning the pages in your memory
Saturday: waking before the alarm, ready to start your day; the sun rising on the Hollow, full of greens and golds
I hope you've had plenty of sweet moments this week and they continue into the weekend! Wish me luck adjusting my focus!