Ben Breedlove, an Austin teenager, died Christmas night.
I didn't know him personally; in fact, I had never heard of him until this week.
But after watching the videos below, I know I won't forget him or his sweet smile.
Ben had a heart condition called Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy; according to his videos, he had cheated death three times. The first time, when he was 4, he says he saw a bright light and felt a peace he never forgot. The second time...
...well, Ben tells it much better than I can. I urge you to watch these - the total time is less than 8 minutes, but if you're like me, it will be 8 minutes you'll carry with you the rest of your life, whether you remember the name Ben Breedlove or not.
(You can read Ben's obituary HERE.)