In 2011, my thoughts ran wild like mustangs, my energy scattered into all different directions trying to chase them down.
True, creativity needs space and the freedom to run wild for a bit, to stretch its legs and grow strong... but if those thoughts scatter too far in too many directions... if they never return to the corral, never get reined in, never learn to work as a team... well, they're not good for anything but looking or sounding pretty.
I need more than that this year.
{Prepare yourself... here come my 'F' words...}
In 2012, I'm going to put up Fences to structure my time... I'm going to corral those thoughts and Focus on one project at a time so I can experience Finishing something.
I bet that's an amazing feeling.
My other 'F' words for 2012... Faith, Fitness, Friendship, Frugality and Financial Freedom.
Oh, and Forgiveness... another awesome 'F' word...
"Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you." ~ Ephesians 4:31-32
What about you?
Do you have a Theme,Word or Resolution for 2012?