I had plans for this day off: clean my filthy house before house guests arrive Saturday. I'll hardly have a free minute in the coming days.
But Tom threw his back out Saturday, which means it's now my job to move TG's bed and other heavy furniture to her apartment since he's out of commission.
My sweet boys are pitching in to help. They're both asleep right now, along with TG and a few extra kids. They kept me up later than I planned last night; consequently, I slept later than I planned this morning. But they were hours filled with laughter and hugs and soaking my eyes in the sight and sound of them.
I think, for any Empty-Nest mom, there's nothing sweeter! I know there's not for me! Plans will be re-arranged accordingly, happily, gratefully.
Now Belle's sitting outside the French doors wondering what's taking me so long to get started on our walk, but while I ate my cereal and drank my first cup of coffee in this now-silent house, I thought I'd hop on here and share this sweet! with you: having all three kids home at the same time... temporarily.
(Please say a prayer for Tom's back!)
This photo has nothing to do with the post... I just liked it. Flowers still blooming despite the drought!
And now for more sweet! moments from the past week...
Monday: being available to help your daughter when she needs it; Waterloo Ice House tortilla soup and onion rings, especially when you're really hungry; a sister who's a great editor/proofreader; starting Season 3 of Breaking Bad
Tuesday: remembering the photos of your daughter's new apartment you were supposed to email to the managing agency the night before in time to send them before work; pink mornings; problems with easy solutions; help with problems with difficult solutions; a friend who hears a song, thinks of you, and calls just to let you know; a Craig's List sell
Wednesday: hearing the chanting of the Rosary nearby as you work; learning something new, all on your own; discovering another potential source of income; good news on your sister's health; riding a horse with a full moon rising above you; honest-to-goodness horses kisses (on your arm :)
Thursday: the full moon staying up long enough to tell you good morning; working on your book, a blog, your jewelry business, starting laundry, walking the dogs, and working out before you leave for work; a call from your baby girl giving you an update on her second day of school before you have to call her; Chinese food and a Meryl Streep movie with dear friends
Friday: helping people; watching the sunset and the moonrise with your sweetheart on a hill overlooking the Texas Hill Country
Saturday: another Craig's List sell; watching UT Longhorn fans at a winning game; meeting up with 1/3 of your kids
Sunday: waiting on considerate, fun customers; German Shepherd puppies; reflecting on memories of your childhood when you get word your mom's friend has passed away; all of your kids, plus a few extras and your grandpuppy, under your roof at the same time
I hope you're having a sweet!-filled Labor Day weekend. Please share one or two of them from your week here!