...I met my son Daniel for the first time. Of course, it was love at first sight.
With each passing year, I fell deeper and deeper in love with that creative, funny, compassionate, wise old soul.
How could I resist? Look at that smile! And that hair!
But, dang it (and thank God!) kids grow up.
It's such a curse and a blessing.
So here I am, shaking my head in wonder that it's been 24 years since I first looked into those blue eyes. I just can't wrap my head around the number, but my heart overflows with sweet memories from each and every one.
And I'm grateful to still be adding to them.
He no longer lives at home - soon after I wrote last year's birthday post he found a job and moved out on his own again - but he comes back for a weekend here and there, just to help Tom with a project, chill on the back porch with us, listening to music, or introduce us to some great obscure movie on Netflix.
I'll even get to wish him a happy birthday today in person. He'll be here when I get home from work. I'll stick a candle in a cyclops cookie and Tom and I will sing 'happy birthday' to him...and he'll let us, because that's the kind of sweet kid, um, man, he is.
Happy 24th birthday, Daniel!
May you have clear paths and bright skies.
And no matter what this year brings,
I hope you continue to "Be silly. Be honest. Be kind." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Also... Happy birthday wishes to my sweet sister-in-law Kim, my young cousins Ashley, Kayce and Kayce's daughter, Tayvie, and my inspirational South African friend Pete!