Halloween is behind us. According to the calendar, the next holiday here in the states is Veteran's Day, followed by Thanksgiving, but have you noticed there are already Christmas commercials on the TV and jingle bells are taking over the stores?
For the third year in a row, I'm joining blogger "Suldog" Jim Sullivan in his outspoken stance on giving Thanksgiving its due time before we're all wrapped up in red and green and tied with a fancy bow.
For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven...
~Eccleciastes 3:1
I wrote this last year, but it's still just as true: This whole campaign isn't just about Thanksgiving. It's about time and seasons and silence and space and simplifying.
It's about focusing on one thing at a time and giving it all you've got, everything it deserves. It's about truly experiencing a season, thinking about what it means and being in the moment, not rushing ahead.
If you feel you don't have enough time to prepare for Christmas if you wait until after Thanksgiving, perhaps you're making it too complicated. Trying to do too much. Focusing on the wrapping on the box instead of what's inside.
Time goes by too fast as it is and life has gotten more and more complicated.
I’ve learned that we can do anything, but we can’t do everything… at least not at the same time. Timing is everything.
~Dan Millman
Timing is everything. Let's take time to relish and focus. Let's slow down and simplify. Let's take things one at a time.
But, as one friend said, "The only way you will EVER change this is to hit them in the pocketbook." So please join your voice and your pocketbook with me to remind the retailers that...
Please hop over and read Suldog's post HERE and another beautiful essay about Thanksgiving HERE. And if you're on Facebook, like the page HERE and then share it with your friends!
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