I am a dog and cat person. For some reason, that seems to be a rare thing.
I love my puppies and their unconditional love and joy of life, but I also love cat personalities...their sauciness and independence and supposed indifference to anything but themselves. I love how they purr and stretch and give you sandpaper kisses, despite themselves...then bite you and run away.
Cats keep you on your toes!
If it weren't for a promise I made to our allergy doctor years ago not to replace my aging Siamese, Char, when she passed away, I know I'd have several cats lounging in patches of sunlight in my house, shedding on and shredding the sides of my couch, and leaving hairballs on my new comforter.
So this video my friend Hilary at The Smitten Image sent me literally made me double up in laughter...something I haven't done in a long time!
Of course I had to share it with you, because laughter is the best medicine, and I care about you! Whether you love cats or hate them, grab a kleenex and prepare for a good teary-eyed breath-gasping belly-laugh...
You're welcome. (Thanks again, Hilary!)