When you have a husband who can do just about anything, you don't spend much time waiting for your car to be serviced or repaired. He prefers doing it himself to save money.
But sometimes that husband ends up with too many cars and projects that need his immediate attention, or your car requires something that takes special equipment, like an alignment...which is how I ended up in a nearby Hyundai dealership's waiting room Monday afternoon.
I didn't mind. There was a Keurig coffeemaker nearby, wi-fi available, and I brought my bag of goodies: a photography magazine, papers to critique, a blank notebook, and snacks.
As usual, the mechanic found some other things that needed attention. He actually carried the cabin air filter out to me, to show me how nasty it was. "I think something was living in this," he said.
Do you remember the little mouse I found in my glovebox? Well, now I know where that little toot was nesting!
But the most exciting part started about halfway through my wait. A large video camera captured a customer walking in the door, over and over and over. A commercial was being filmed, right before my eyes!
I snuck this photo. I didn't want to look like a total geek, but, I mean, how often do you get to see something like that?
(Why, yes I do live a sheltered life.)
That's not the best part, though.
See the man with glasses up there? That's the Director. About an hour later, he approached me and asked if I'd like to be in a commercial. Well, specifically to 'volunteer' to be in a commercial.
Well, heck yeah I would!
I signed the requisite papers and then waited while they "set up the shot". (That's film lingo for those of you not in the "Biz".)
Soon, there I was pulling a car I pretended was mine into the service bay, the Director and his camera crew on my left. I climbed out as gracefully as possible (which probably wasn't too graceful), smiled and shook hands with the service rep, exchanged some fake conversation about my pretend car, and then "CUT!"
We did it three or four times, standing in different spots, and then my spot in the limelight was over. The camera crew moved off to film another volunteer vignette.
My non-speaking two seconds on the tube will be part of a Grand Opening commercial for the Round Rock Hyundai Dealership - unless it gets cut because of the lack of gracefulness I mentioned. I have no idea when it will air, but I guess I need to start watching more television so I don't miss it!
Now I can cross "starring in a commercial" off my Bucket List - right after I write it on there.
By the way, thank you for the sweet comments I've received about yesterday's glum post. I went to bed reminding myself to "Be still, and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10) and early this morning I woke with the sweetest sense of peace in my soul.
On my walk with the pups, my heart swelled in gratitude for the blue sky and birdsong all around me, and even for the wet dog hair left clinging to my hand after scratching Max because I know one day I'll miss it, as yucky as it is, because I won't have that stinky, goofy country dog to cuddle anymore.
My friend Shirley posted this in reply to my post on Facebook, and it is so very true. I hope if there are any worries or disappointments weighing on your heart, it helps you hang on.
"Joy comes in the morning."
~ Psalms 30:5
Thank you, Shirley, and all of you again...