I am kicking myself every day that I didn't become a realtor years ago. And I haven't even made any money yet! (Call me!)
(Thanks to my sweet sister-in-law for the blingy name badge!)
I believe juggling real estate, my blogs, photography, writing, and family responsibilities is going to be harder than I thought it was...at least at first...but I'm going to keep trying to do it, anyway.
It's September, yet we're hitting triple digits every day, as if it were still summer! Consequently, my house smells like country dogs and my allergies are going crazy because of it.
Our 'big' pond is now a marsh. We need rain.
This is the original creek bed. In a good year, the pond level is ten feet above the banks of the creekbed.
We experienced a family tragedy this week, in the true sense of the word. It isn't my story to tell, other than a broken heart because people I love are suffering, so I'm not going to share details here.
But I will ask that you lift them in prayer.
Thank you.
Sadness flies on the wings of the morning and out of the heart of darkness comes the light.
~Jean Giraudoux
Linking with Nancy's Random 5 Friday