I made another overnight trip to the Houston area this weekend to visit my mom. Because of the weather forecast, I expected to be driving in rain coming and going.
And dreaded it something fierce!
So what a sweet! surprise to have sunshine to and from Houston, with the predicted rain passing through early this morning while I snuggled in bed.
Unfortunately, a section of the interstate we needed to travel was completely shut down for maintenance. Not so sweet!, but my son Daniel acted as navigator, directing me onto side roads where we avoided the worst of the traffic jams using the mapquest app. Absolutely sweet!
But while we were at Mama's, Daniel spotted a baby gecko whose hind legs had gotten tangled in a spider web. Daniel rescued him and untangled his legs the best he could using some tiny scissors. He let him go in the front yard, hoping the little guy wouldn't get into any more trouble.
Witnessing the care and compassion that resides in my son's heart...the sweet!-est of all.
"The best portion of a good man's life:
his little, nameless unremembered
acts of kindness and love.”
~ William Wordsworth
Here are some other sweet!s from the past week....
Monday: new leads and listing appointments; a soul-cleansing night wind, starry sky, and bright clouds
Tuesday: being qualified for phone duty; Rudy's barbecue; touring homes with friends
Wednesday: meeting the "Williams" of "Keller Williams"; grocery shopping with your daughter
Thursday: a day spent working from home, playing catchup; your first listing appointment
Friday: the golden morning light of autumn; being present in the moment; a new haircut; helping a friend celebrate the last day of her 20's; catching up with friends over Mexican martinis
Saturday: sunshine when you expected rain on a roadtrip; a quick visit with your grandpuppy, son and daughter-in-law; your other son riding shotgun, acting as navigator around traffic jams; a mother's hug and kiss, and the joy in her eyes when she sees you; your son's gentleness and care with your mother...and a baby gecko; staying up late, laughing with your mom at "Big Bang Theory"
Sunday: waking to the sound of rain; a too-quick visit with your nephew; driving into a beautiful sunset, instead of driving on a wet highway; home
I hope you are able to dodge things you are dreading in this coming week. Don't forget to share some of your sweet!s (or the link to a blogpost about them) in the comments!