Do yellow wildflowers lining roadsides count as "Autumn Color"? (I love them whether they do or not!)
This morning at an orientation at the Austin Board of Realtors, I won two door prizes in a row, first a bottle of wine and then a canvas bag that tells the world I'm a REALTOR©!
Since I never, ever, ever win anything, you can imagine it felt like a miracle that my name was called twice in a row!
It was obviously my lucky day, so you better believe I stopped by a convenience store this afternoon and bought a lottery ticket.
Nada. Zip. Zero. Except a reminder that I should never, ever, ever waste my money on lottery tickets.
I have my own, personalized "For Sale" sign! Now I just need a yard to plop it in...
A girl ran into the back of my son's car today. Well, she ran her car into the back of his car. You know what I mean.
I'm so grateful he wasn't hurt and that he can still drive his car...and that his brother is our insurance agent so I don't have to do a thing about it!
Night before last it rained...and rained...and rained.
Definitely an answer to prayers, but we still didn't get enough to fill our pond, much less Lake Travis.
However, just a few miles away, in areas south and east of us, it continued to rain and rain and rain until creeks flooded and people had to be lifted from their rooftops.
Feast or famine. Drought or flood. Will nature ever balance itself out? It must be going through menopause.
(More rain is projected for this coming week, so please keep those people in your prayers!)
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