We shared Easter dinner with all of our kids today, no small feat once your kids get married and other families expect to see them on the holidays, too.
It's been a busy week. Besides Mama's hospital adventure, I started an intense 7-week real estate training course, which includes journaling and other homework, like contacting at least 100 people a week voice-to-voice about their real estate needs.
To reach my hundred before the deadline, I even stopped at a gas station Wednesday night and asked all the patrons in there if they knew anyone who was in the market to buy, sell, or invest in real estate.
I made six contacts and got one good lead from it! You just don't know until you ask who needs help... and they don't know you can help them until you tell them.
(Would you believe I used to be shy?)
Anyway, I didn't have time to decorate for Easter until last night, pulling out the beautiful hand-painted eggs my mother gave to my kids every Easter for years...
...displaying Easter photos from the past...
...and setting a few ceramic bunnies around the house.
I have tons; the Easter Bunny always left one in each of my children's baskets... every Easter for years and years...
I'm not sure what he was thinking. Most of them stay boxed up these days. I have more bunnies than I have surface space to put them on!
They're cute, though, aren't they? I'm really not sorry the Easter Bunny left them.
We had planned for Mama to join us for Easter, but had to settle for visiting her after dinner because of her gall bladder surgery earlier this week. The trip down our bumpy dirt road and rock-paved front walk would have caused her excrutiating pain.
She got plenty of goodies, though. I gave her some chocolate eggs yesterday, then my cousin stopped by with a basket of treats and some chocolate-covered strawberries.
My son and his wife took her another basket today. I know the biggest treat for her was getting to see them, though.
Seeing them was a treat for me, too!
Easter is the ultimate sweet!, isn't it? It's proof that we are loved and that miracles can happen... a source of hope that even simple things we believe are dead - a friendship or a dream - can come back to life.
Sweetest of all... the assurance that we can see our loved ones again someday.
Here are a few other sweet!s from the past couple of weeks (playing catch up!) ...
Thursday: investing and believing in yourself; becoming part of a team
Friday: attending a Chamber of Commerce luncheon at the restaurant where you used to work; catching up with your former co-workers and friends you never get to see
Saturday: finally getting a chance to gather up your tax documents
Sunday: the relief you feel when the ambulance takes your mom to the hospital you requested; smart, caring emergency room doctors and nurses; being able to be at your mom's side in an emergency
Monday: your cousin taking off work to be at your side during your mom's surgery
Tuesday: lunch with a sweet friend; the flexibility of working from a hospital room so you can be with your mom
Wednesday: your mom well enough to be released from the hospital; friends who remember your mom at Easter
Thursday: challenging yourself to grow; helping clients find just the right home; the humbling experience of having your feet washed by your priest in a Holy Thursday ceremony
Friday: photographing a cute couple getting married at Chapel Dulcinea (they're ringing the bells after the ceremony in the photo above); recognizing and talking to the chaplain who married your son and daughter-in-law last year; finally seeing a dear friend after 22 years
(I spent hours and hours talking to Terry in the control room of our chemical plant. He's the one who introduced me to Rick Steves! He talked a lot about his kids - what a shock to see them all grown up. Really hit home how long ago those talks were! His daughter is the lovely bride...who looks just like him!)
Saturday: getting two real estate leads in two different grocery stores in two days; a husband who knows how to fix plumbing problems
Sunday: Easter Mass; Easter dinner with your husband and kids, and a hug from your mom; chocolate
I hope all of you who celebrate had a beautiful Easter ... and that the peace and hope of Easter remains in your heart forever.
Here's a snippet of one of my new favorite songs that I think reflects that peace, hope, and faith. I find encouragement, assurance, and inspiration in the words during these days of new beginnings and great unknowns. I hope you do, too.
"You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand"
~ Hillside United