For the past week or so I've been living vicariously through a couple of my kids. Again.
My son and his wife have now experienced the beauty, beer, food, art, sights and sounds of Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Amsterdam. And through the wonders of technology, I've been able to tag along through their photos and words, posted on Instagram and Facebook.
Having your kids visit the places of your dreams is the next best thing to seeing them yourself.
They're safe and sound, back in Austin now, although I haven't spoken to them to know that. I learned it while snooping in mom-fashion for updates on their Facebook pages tonight.
I am so very grateful for Facebook and all of the hours of worrying it has saved me.
Besides Facebook and kids arriving home, safe and sound, I've had a pretty sweet-filled week. Here are a few more....
Monday: adolescent cardinal triplets playing "King of the Mountain" on the birdfeeder; much needed rain on your hollow; staying up late, laughing over old clips of Robin Williams with your son
Tuesday: your client closing on her new home; sharing a private dinner at Franklin Barbecue with your son, courtesy of Google; watching the Austin Bomb Squad in action (and surviving!)
Wednesday: making the final payment on your car; reflecting on, and celebrating, the past 32 years with the love of your life
Thursday: watching your old puppy eat, without having to coax him or feed him by hand; dinner at Eddie V's with dear friends you haven't seen in a while
Friday: sitting outside on a clear night, listening to live music with friends; a glimpse of the baby fox living in your hollow
Saturday: receiving an offer on one of your listings and writing an offer for one of your buyers; watching "Sons of Katie Elder" with your mom, then later another movie with your son
Sunday: a taste of biscuits and gravy, thanks to a friend who doesn't mind sharing; helping old homes have a chance at new life; inspiration from the Garden of Eatin'
If you think hard enough, I bet you can think of some sweet! moments from your past week. Be sure to share them in the comments!