Temperatures here have been in the 70's and 80's. Wildflowers, mostly yellows and purples, line the roadside and dot the woods.
Birds chatter and sing in the treetops, bright green bushes dotted with new blooms hum with industrious bees, and Monarch butterflies dance among the snow-on-the-prairie.
Is this spring or autumn? It doesn't matter to me what you call it... I'm loving it!
It's been a busy week, starting with my son's birthday on Monday, a Google City Expert event downtown Tuesday night, my church pastoral council meeting Wednesday night, and another church committee meeting Thursday night, for our Oktoberfest scheduled for October 25.
(It's our major fundraiser and we're down to the wire. If you'll be in my area this Saturday, plan to stop by. It's going to be a lot of fun!)
I was grateful I had contracts and property searches to do for clients Friday and Saturday night that kept me home. Later, with work out of the way, I was able to relax and watch movies with my kids.
Overall, it was a week dotted with sweets, much like the woods dotted with wildflowers right now.
Here are a few other sweet!s from the week...
Monday: celebrating your son's birthday; driving through the Texas hill country on a glorious autumn day; a reuben sandwich at the Double Horn Brewing Company; laughing so hard at your kids you choke on a sip of water; Cyclops Cookies
Tuesday: office meetings, where you can catch up with friends, learn something new, and get a free lunch; Google City Expert events with your kids; the Austin skyline at night; hearing the band "The NightOwls" for the first time
Wednesday: sleeping in an extra hour; autumn wildflowers; reaching an agreement on an offer; getting referrals from friends
Thursday: running at dawn with your puppy; a haircut; being part of your church's Oktoberfest team
Friday: pink mornings; being an advocate for your mom; new clients; puppy kisses; a movie with your son
Saturday: sleeping in; meeting your new neighbor in person; Monarch butterflies passing through on their way to Mexico; a surprise gift from a friend waiting for you in your mailbox; enjoying episodes of "The Tick" with your kids
Sunday: moving forward with two separate contracts; caregivers who truly care; hearing that your friend's audiobook is coming out in paperback and he's sending you an autographed copy!
I'm wishing for you a week dotted with sweet moments. Remember...
The best things in life are nearest:
Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you.
Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life.
~Robert Louis Stevenson