1.hold (someone) closely in one's arms, especially as a sign of affection.
2. accept or support (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically
Let me embrace thee, sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.
~William Shakespeare
"Embrace" is more than my word for the year. It's my call-to-action, a one word reminder to welcome each day as a new opportunity to correct mistakes, to challenge myself, to keep an eye open for blessings ... to be a blessing to someone else ... no matter what the day brings.
"Persevere" was in the lead for 2015, until "Embrace" popped out at me from a song or somewhere, and I pictured the card below that a friend gave me. It has echoed in my head ever since.
"Persevere" seems negative. Gray. It trudges alone through the problems of the day, sweating and straining just to get to the end.
But "Embrace" is golden, full of light and warmth. It reaches out to accept not only blue skies, but stormy ones as well, knowing there is a type of beauty and purpose in each, and that when it's all over, everything will be okay.
So each morning, when I first start grumbling about having to get up so early or feel overwhelmed and stretched thin when I remember all of my urgent to-do's, I'm learning to turn those thoughts into gratitude for the new day by dropping to my knees beside my bed and asking God to guide me, give me strength, and help me embrace whatever the day has in store ... the pains, the joys, the successes, the failures.
Life is too short to do otherwise.
Love... it surrounds every being and extends slowly to embrace all that shall be.
~ Khalil Gibran