I just heard on the news that the first 15 days of January here in Austin set a record: so far it's officially the 10th coldest winter since 1897.
People who live up north, who have to live with snow from November through March, will probably laugh at that. I'm sure they think what we experience here in Austin could hardly be called "wintry weather".
But it does get cold here - icy, even. In fact, we heat our entire house with our woodburning stove, and we've almost used up all of our wood already!
The good news is our "wintry weather" comes and goes. The first 15 days might have set a "cold" record, but tomorrow it will warm from the low 30's to 70 by afternoon, with plenty of sunshine. As much as I whine about not getting any snow, I'd rather have the warm January afternoons.
Yes, Texas winters are mighty sweet!
Here are a few other sweet!s from the past week plus some...
Wednesday: spicy chili on a chilly evening; the warmth of a wood-burning stove
Thursday: the crunch, crunch, crunch when you walk on frozen caliche; a tree full of birds breakfasting on juniper berries; a call from your sister after her surgery; haircuts and head massages; clients leaving great reviews for you on your business pages
Friday: an early morning call from your mom; a buyer's long-awaited closing on her new home; sharing a peanut butter cookie with your mom; finally starting the last season of "Breaking Bad"
Saturday: getting to visit your mom when you thought you'd be iced-in all day; your Christmas decorations all boxed up; the smell of a roast in the oven; the sound of rain outside, when you and all of your loved ones are safe and warm inside
Sunday: Garden of Eatin' inspiration; experiencing new restaurants; helping a friend celebrate her birthday; sharing a creme brulee with friends; watching the end of "Annie Hall" with your mom
Monday: a walk on a foggy morning; meeting with a CPA in anticipation of making money in 2015
Tuesday: dinner and the movie "Jersey Boys" with friends, in preparation for seeing Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons in February
Wednesday: making progress in organizing your office; watching your first hockey game with colleagues and 3/4 of your kids
Thursday: the return of sunshine after too many cold, wet, gray days; finally getting all of the Christmas boxes out of your living room
Friday: working out five days in a row for the first time in weeks; having enough money to pay your bills; your sister getting a good report from her doctor following her surgery; gorgeous sunsets; finally posting your sweet!s
When scattered clouds are resting on the bosoms of hills, it seems as if one might climb into the heavenly region, earth being so intermixed with sky, and gradually transformed into it.
~Nathaniel Hawthorne
(What were some sweet! moments of your past week? Share them in the comments and make them twice as sweet!)