This past Thursday - the morning of the Great Ice Storm - I slept in, made myself a delicious veggie omelette, then took the girls (Belle and my grandpuppy Josie) for a long walk through the hollow.
It was cold, but the cloudless sky was a brilliant blue and the sunshine was a welcome sight after days of drizzly gray.
The girls were excited about getting out of the house.
The city pretty much shut down in anticipation of what could have been a very dangerous situation due to a cold front and warm front crossing paths above us.
However, we lucked out because of timing. The rain fell before the temperatures had a chance to drop low enough to be a problem ... or something like that. I can't remember the weatherman's exact explanation for the no-show-ice-storm.
All I found to photograph was a little frost and some tiny frozen droplets.
I really didn't care.
My last GRI Marketing class was postponed until Friday, so Thursday was a much-needed deep breath in an exhausting week, and I took full advantage of a day at home.
Josie and Belle were happy about it, too.
But since I teased you about an ice storm, I'll share my photos from earlier in the week...
That's about all the winter I want, thank you very much.
I think this little yellow flower agrees.
Instead of compiling my sweet! moments in one post, I'm going to try to share some of them separately. This was definitely a sweet! spot in my week!
What was one of yours?