A few days ago, I traded my phone for an umbrella when I took Belle for our morning run/walk down our dirt road. And that's why I don't have a photo of the most beautiful rainbow ... a perfect arch above the horizon, and below it, a summer-blue sky that winked at me from behind stormy gray clouds, and then finally, a river of cream-colored clouds that flowed just above the treetops.
I had to just stop and soak it all up for a few minutes, that perfect reminder of promises kept. Belle understood. She's very patient with me.
The storms that brought much-needed rain finally moved on and that blue sky has ruled every since. As grateful as I was for the rain, I was relieved when it ended. I get tired of umbrellas, wet shoes, and windshield wipers.
But still, the rain is definitely on my sweet! list for the past (gulp) month and a half, and by scrolling back through time on Facebook, I remembered a few others...
My new camera strap arrived, and Tom attached it to my old camera. It was my Christmas gift from my son and his wife, but was backordered. So it was like celebrating Christmas twice!
(Yes, that's tape on the card slot. Hey, it works!)
The Pedernales River is full! This is the view from one of my lot listings. Know anyone who wouldn't mind looking at this every day?
The woods are splashed with redbud blossoms, and my crape myrtles are budding. Maybe this year they will actually flower!
I took advantage of a few minutes alone in the house and played my drums for the first time in ages.
Reese's peanut butter eggs have hit the shelves. A curse and a blessing!
Before going to Sunday Mass, I've been attending Baptist services with Mama and TG .
It was TG's idea, which is doubly sweet! because neither of them are morning people, but they are doing it for each other. And what a blessing that members of the nearby Baptist church come in to provide the services for the residents. We literally wheel my mom into the room next to hers!
I'm actually enjoying spending my entire morning in church. I confess I didn't think I would!
On a completely different note, I also enjoyed getting to view the Bongo house for a client, and picturing in my mind that infamous episode in Austin's history...
When my friend Rachel told me Stoney LaRue was playing in Cedar Park, just down the road, I made an exception to my rule about staying up late during the week to go hear him with her. It was worth it!
I took a road trip with my daughter to San Antonio one weekend, via Highway 281, which meanders through small towns and the hill country with very little traffic, so it was truly a sweet! in itself.
But I went for TG's boyfriend's graduation from his TACP school, which is such a huge accomplishment, such a physical and mental challenge, and I'm glad I could congratulate and thank him personally.
Plus, being in San Antonio that weekend meant I could help a dear friend celebrate her 50th birthday party in 70's & 80's style. We danced until almost 2 am. Whew! (An extra sweet! - finding just the right dress to wear in TG's closet at the last minute!)
The next day TG's boyfriend introduced me to the King William district of San Antonio, full of great architecture and eclectic restaurants. I kept my camera clicking.
That's macaroni and cheese and cole slaw you see peeking out of the BBQ sandwich below. It was awesome!
Would you believe we lucked upon a puppy birthday party? A massive pitbull sporting a birthday hat is a definite SWEET!
My cousin posted parts of old family videos on Facebook. Seeing myself in action at 6 years old... seeing my young mom hugging my oldest brother, and so many other family members who have passed was truly a sweet!, even though it brought me to tears.
I spent a gorgeous afternoon with friends in Spicewood on Lake Travis, exploring their neighborhood in a golf cart, taking photos of it and their golf course lot I have listed for sale. Just spending time with them was sweet!
I won a bottle of Dom Perignon at a new home REALTOR event at Travisso. That was sweet! but the occasion that warrants popping the cork will have to be really sweet!
I battled two mornings of the worst Austin traffic to get to the all-day classes, but I earned my CNE designation - Certified Negotiation Expert.
Watch out world!
Friends graciously open their home every year for a Super Bowl party. I don't pay much attention to the game, but do enjoy getting a chance to catch up them and other friends.
This year, it was extra sweet! because of this sunset on a full Lake Travis. That cove where docks are now floating again had been dry for at least 4 years.
And last but not least, by pure luck I happened to catch this group of bicyclists coming down our dirt road hill. It's probably the last time I'll see it, too, although they fared better than I thought they would!
I'm grateful for my phone camera that helps me capture so many sweet!s of each day, which means a higher likelihood of remembering them, but there are some simpler ones that do slip away...
... like an unseen cardinal whistling at you, or the glimpse of a strange wild bird running on the dirt road in front of you, as I witnessed yesterday afternoon.
So I started keeping a Sweet! Journal this week, with the intent to list them all day long. They may not all make it here to Long Hollow, but at least I'll have them recorded somewhere to remind me on those days I forget how blessed I am. I hope you have a way to remember your blessings, as well.
We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.
~Thornton Wilder