A daughter is a gift of love.
~Author unknown
My daughter had a birthday recently. When pressed, she allowed me to have a small family gathering, for my benefit. She told me it should be my celebration, since I'm the one who did all the work that day.
That's a perfect example of the woman she has become. When I think back over the past several years... all I've been through with my parents and starting a new career... I can see her right there beside me, ready and willing to do whatever I needed. She's independent and self-confident, as well as fiercely loving and thoughtful.
She was there on multiple one-day trips to Houston, helping me clean out my mom's house and work the estate sale. She's always willing to help me out at open houses if I really need her, setting up signs and keeping me company. When I'm traveling or have long days with clients or in classes, she and her brother rearrange their schedules to be home with Belle, even using their own vacation at times to cover for me.
In Mama's last few months, it was her suggestion that we accompany Mama every Sunday to the worship service at the nursing home. I sat on one side of the wheelchair and she sat on the other, either holding up the hymnal so Mama could see it or just holding her hand.
Those Sunday mornings are treasured memories now. Such a priceless gift, added to the many others she's given me all of her life.
She hasn't always been a perfect child, but then, I have never been a perfect mom. She's very private - if you've read my blog very long, you already know that. Our roles are often reversed, with her cautioning me on internet safety, rather than the other way around. She can be very wise.
More and more I'm realizing she isn't just a gift from God for the help and support she gives me, but also for the ways she makes me question what I think I know and things I take for granted. I'm a better person because of her. She helps me continue to grow and learn.
She challenges me to be a better friend. I hope I'm half the friend to her that she is to me.
Happy birthday to you, and thank you, my sweet daughter.
A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be a friend.
~Author Unknown