That's my word for 2023.
While I've faithfully written in my gratitude journal every morning for a few years, and have gotten better at noticing my blessings and telling God thank you, I realize I've become neglectful in telling the people around me thank you and showing my appreciation when they help me, my family, my clients or my business in some way.
I plan to change that this year.
One challenge I foresee is the same one I faced in 2022 - time. It went by way too fast.
It's natural that some priorities have to fall by the wayside when life gets busy. My goal is to keep this one at the top this year.
You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage - pleasantly, smilingly, nonapologetically - to say 'no' to other things. And the way to do that is by having a bigger 'yes' burning inside.
~ Stephen R. Covey
Thanks to Facebook photos, I spent a little time today reflecting on the past year, wondering where it went in such a hurry. I was relieved to see that mostly it was time well-spent, with a lot of good memories made last year. So much to be grateful for!
For one thing, I now have a granddaughter! I grabbed every opportunity I was given to spend time with her and her brothers, and I'm grateful I was given a lot! I savored every minute.
Tom and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary in August by spending a weekend in Port Aransas. We had some rain, but also some sunshine (pretty symbolic of 40 years of marriage, right?) and overall it was wonderful. I am so very grateful he asked me to dance 41 years ago and grateful I was smart enough to say yes.
Belle turns 13 years old this month. She gave us a scare a couple of months ago. I am so grateful that New Hope Animal Hospital in Cedar Park let us bring her in and treated her (it was a Saturday and our small clinic closed early). She has been fine ever since and is still running and jumping and taking great care of us.
I was able to spend a long weekend before Thanksgiving with Tom's mom. I don't get to see her very often but treasure whatever I can get.
And because of Belle's age and temperament, I wouldn't be able to go at all if it weren't for my middle son who housesits for us whenever he can.
My daughter steps in when she can, as well. But...she and her husband are the proud parents of two precious rescue dogs. The love and care they give those puppies makes my heart proud, too.
In October I tore the meniscus in my right knee right before my 45th high school reunion which I had been helping to organize. I needed a walker to get around, but Tom had to stay home with Belle, and there was no way I could drive myself. Two dear friends insisted I ride with them, and I am so grateful. It was a priceless weekend making new memories with long-long-long time friends.
Thanks to my awesome physical therapist, I am now able to walk without pain. I'm doubtful I'll ever be able to run with Belle again, though. She was impatient at first, but has gotten used to our slower pace in the mornings. She still gets me out every day, rain or sunshine or snow.
There are so many other things I'm grateful for this past year, and that includes my clients and those who referred me to them, along with my assistants and the vendors I work with. It was my best year in real estate ever, and since Tom plans to retire in a few months, I am especially grateful for their support and trust.
If you took time to read this, I wish you a blessed 2023 and hope you go through it with eyes wide open, savoring the minutes and finding something to be grateful for in each one.
Much love,
The best way to show my gratitude to God is to accept everything, even my problems, with joy.
β St. Teresa of Kolkata